Active management is a complement to passive investing, if run by creative, insightful managers that go beyond traditional methods of stock analysis. Peter conceived and manages a concentrated, go-anywhere stock strategy based on his extensive background in equity and fixed income investing. This rare combination of experience in both asset classes led him to formulate the Weather Mark strategy.
Peter also is a columnist for Forbes magazine, and has written over 125 articles about general markets & investment recommendations for their Intelligent Investor feature. He appears on CNBC/FBN to discuss market strategies and investments, and is quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Financial Times, & Market Watch. His interests range from broad investment matters such as market psychology to detailed analysis, e,g., he discovered a new derivation of the Black Scholes equation.
Mr. Andersen earned an MPA degree from Harvard University, where he was designated a Seamans Fellow. He holds an MS in physics from Yale University, where he was named a JD Skinner Fellow. Mr. Andersen received a BS, summa cum laude, from Northeastern University where he graduated first in his major of physics. Board experience includes the Boston Symphony Orchestra, where he was Chairman of the Annual Funds and a member of the Investment & Nominating Committees. Andersen is also an overseer of the Peabody Essex Museum. He was on the investment committee of the Goldhirsh Foundation, several other non-profits, and elected to the executive committee of the Yale Graduate School Alumni Association.
Peter and his wife of 32 yrs live in Manchester-by-the-Sea, and are happy parents of 4 adult children.